Inition were commissioned by Talker Tailor to build an application using the Tesla suit that would used at a live event in London. The experience would give users the feeling of being tackled by an England Rugby Player.
The Tesla suits are very expensive and complicated pieces of equipment. I would need to find a way to integrate the SDK that the suit uses into an application built in Unity. The application would also need to integrate the HTC Vive pro wireless edition as the user would be knocked off there feet by the power of the suit so having wires would not be an option. The experience also included 360 degree footage of the 3 England players that would need to be timed exactly with the suits Haptic feedback to give the best experience of being tackled. Finally the suit is capable of giving the user extreme electric shocks so safety for the users was critical.SOLUTION
360 degree footage was filmed and edited by Inition an integrated into a Unity application. The application linked to the Tesla suit SDK which allowed it to trigger pre-defined haptic feedback sensations in the suit. This consisted of the feelings of spine tickling sensations during the build up video, a sharp punch to the stomach when a ball was passed to them during the video. Finally the whole suit triggered a massive haptic feedback effect when the user was finally tackled in the 360 footage.TECHNOLOGIES USED
Unity Tesla Suit HTC Vive Pro WirelessRESULT
The exhibit went live in London and received great feedback from those attending the event as well as the press. The 3 England rugby players who were used in both the filming and live production also gave it great reviews.Videos of the event are available here:-
Link to promotional video.