Produced while working at eyekandy the brief was to produce a fun quick AR game for the promotion of the Bacardi RTD (Ready to drink) cocktail range. The creative team decided on a variation of the coconut shy game game, swapping the coconuts with targets in different colours in the RTD range, and styling the shack on a Caribbean tiki bar. The user would then fire fruits matching the flavours at the correct targets.
The game had to load quickly over low speed internet connections as it would most likely be launched of the packs in store. We also had to find a way to place the tiki bar at an appropriate distance from the user in Augmented reality that would work for the majority of users phones.SOLUTION
The project was built using the 8th walls SLAM placement plugin integrated into playcanvas. This gave us the greatest control over the AR placement while letting us use the real physics components integrated into playcanvas for the most realistic game play. Using playcanvas also gave us greater control over the whole look and feel of the project enabling the designers to tweak and change the speed of projectiles, textures and lighting in the scene to get the result they were looking for.TECHNOLOGIES USED
8th wall, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Playcanvas, BlenderRESULT
The final product was well received by the client and was used in many promotional pieces by both eyekandy and 8th wall. A video of the final game can be seen on the link below.CLICK HERE to view live version of this project