Create a prototype of a digital magazine insert, that when a person opens the page of the magazine copy is displayed. After a short period of time the copy fades out.


To find a way to back light the page so that only the copy is visible. To control when the copy appears and for how long and then fade it out. To make the whole thing small enough as to work in a single page of a magazine.


For the prototype I used an Ardunio nano, for the production run this would be converted to a bespoke flat circuit board. I used flat LED lights that illuminated a piece a perspex that had the copy masked out of it. To control the timing and illumination a small light sensor was placed in the corner of the page to trigger the LED's to come on and also trigger a timer to control for how long they illuminated. All of this was then placed in a cardboard insert into a mock magazine for the presentation.


Arduino Nano


Below is a video that shows the working prototype as well an a look inside the cardboard insert to see the workings of the board.