Working with Inition and the agency Tonic we were asked to produce an interactive installation to allow multiple graduates from RBS to fill in a questionnaire that would inform them of the best career path to take at RBS.
The table had to keep track of which person was interacting with it in order to keep track of there process through the questionnaire. Multiple people would be able to interact with the screen at the same time and with up to 20 touches being tracked, as well bespoke markers that also had to be tracked. All data would need to be fed through an algorithm developed by RBS to produce the top 3 career paths.
Use a multi-taction table that allowed users to place markers onto it whereby we could assigned each user there own Id linked to the marker. These markers could then be moved around, and an application built in unity would track both the marker position as well as touch inputs to allow the user to fill in the questionnaire. Users were instructed to drag answers in the form of bubbles into a centre bubble where by the application would collate the responses and produce 3 final bubbles showing the users top career paths. When not in use the table detected there were no markers on it and a holding screen saver animation would be played.
Unity, Multi-Taction table, After Effects, Photoshop
The table was transported to multiple locations around England and used successfully by hundreds of graduates.